Directories |
directory | tmp |
Files |
file | align.cpp |
| Orient a pkf curve according to a given axes.
file | angle_condition.cpp |
| Check the angle condition for an ideal knot. input file : s sigma tau ...
file | angle_principal_normal_contacts.cpp |
| Prints angle between contact chords and principal normal to stdout.
file | angle_vs_arclength.cpp |
| Prints the arclength and for that arclength the angle between the normal vector and the "2" contact struts.
file | animate.cpp |
file | arcdist.cpp |
| Program for testing purpose only.
file | arcs2polygonal.cpp |
| Convert an arc curve to a polygonal curve.
file | biarccli.cpp |
| Biarc command line interface.
file | billiard_anim.cpp |
file | billiard_poly.cpp |
| Construct billiard polygon.
file | centerandnormalise.cpp |
| Center and normalize a closed PKF curve.
file | circle_for_f31.cpp |
| Given eps, compute using 3 points the radius and center of circle.
file | clif_tref_contactset.cpp |
| Compute the contact set and surface (iv file) for the clifford trefoil in S^3.
file | closest_neighbour.cpp |
| Reconstruct the curve using the nearest point algo.
file | contacts2inventor.cpp |
| Convert contact chords to obj/iv file.
file | contacts2sigma.cpp |
| Contact chords to sigma(s) and tau(s).
file | contacts_s3tor3.cpp |
| Project contact chords from S^3 to R^3.
file | contactset.cpp |
| Compute the contact chords for a given knot.
file | convolutionfilter.cpp |
| Smooth a curve using a local gaussian convolution filter.
file | cross_pp.cpp |
file | curvature.cpp |
| Outputs the curvature of a biarc curve.
file | curvature4.cpp |
| Outputs the curvature of a biarc curve in R^4.
file | curvesplit.cpp |
| Split a "closed" curve into segments for given arclength values.
file | extract_sigma.cpp |
| Advancing within a small neighbournood try to extract sigma(s).
file | extract_sigma_max.cpp |
| Find local max in pt valley.
file | extract_sigma_valley_max.cpp |
file | filter_nodes.cpp |
| Filter a PKF curve. I.e. remove points that are too close to some neighbour.
file | flatten.cpp |
| Project curve onto 2D plane.
file | follow_contact.cpp |
| Starting at some point on the curve, follow the contacts to depth max_level.
file | inertiatensor.cpp |
| Compute the inertia tensor and principal axes.
file | info.cpp |
| Computes Arc-length, center of mass, thickness (approx), ropelength (aprox) info of a PKF curve.
file | info4.cpp |
| Computes Arc-length, center of mass, thickness (approx), ropelength (aprox) info of a PKF curve (S^3).
file | inversion_in_sphere.cpp |
| Inversion in sphere at center c and radius r of a curve.
file | length.cpp |
| Arc-length of a PKF curve.
file | link_thickness.cpp |
| Compute thickness of a CurveBundle.
file | map.cpp |
| Map one curve to another.
file | mesh4stokes.cpp |
| Produce a tube mesh from a curve and write that to a file.
file | nana.cpp |
| Test program.
file | normal_indicatrix.cpp |
| Unfinished.
file | perturb.cpp |
| Perturb a curve.
file | pkf2java.cpp |
| Read data from a PKF file, produce a tubular mesh for each curve in the file and write it as C/C++/Java arrays.
file | pkf2mesh.cpp |
| Read data from a PKF file, produce a tubular mesh for each curve in the file and write that to a file.
file | pkf2obj.cpp |
| pkf to obj format. obj file has correct uv texture coords.
file | pkf2ply.cpp |
| pkf to mesh to stanford ply format.
file | pkf2rib.cpp |
file | pkf2stl.cpp |
| Read data from a PKF file, produce a tubular mesh for each curve in the file and write that to an STL file.
file | pkf2vect.cpp |
file | pkf2xyz.cpp |
| Convert PKF file to XYZ coordinates.
file | pkfframe.cpp |
| Generate a framing along the curve.
file | plotslice.cpp |
| Write a pt plot cross section at a given arclength.
file | plotslice4.cpp |
| Write a pt plot cross section at a given arclength (S^3).
file | pointat.cpp |
| Writes point/tangent at Curve(s), for s arclength and s in [0,1] to the standart output.
file | process.cpp |
file | projected_dij.cpp |
| Compute and of a given projection.
file | ptcircles.cpp |
| Resample an open or closed PKF curve.
file | r3tos3.cpp |
| Project a curve in R^3 to S^3.
file | redo_tangents.cpp |
| Recompute tangents using only the data points.
file | refine.cpp |
| Refine/Resample a part of an open or closed PKF curve.
file | reorder.cpp |
| Reorder the nodes of a curve, so that the first points of the 2 curves are the closest possible.
file | resample.cpp |
| Resample an open or closed PKF curve.
file | resample4.cpp |
| Resample an open or closed PKF curve (R^4).
file | reverse_direction.cpp |
| Change the orientation of the curve.
file | rotate_curve.cpp |
| Rotate curve about axis v by angle a.
file | s3tor3.cpp |
| Project a curve on S^3 back to R^3.
file | s_sigma_angles.cpp |
| Program for testing purpose only.
file | setcenter.cpp |
| Reset the mass center of PKF curve.
file | shuffle.cpp |
| Randomize/shuffle a curve.
file | sigma2contact.cpp |
| From a sigma(s) function, generate the contact struts.
file | sigma2inventor.cpp |
| Convert 2D sigma(s) to iv or obj file.
file | sigma_and_tau_contacts.cpp |
| Extract contact functions sigma(s) and tau(s).
file | sigma_composition.cpp |
| compute $^k(s)$. input file : s sigma tau ...
file | supercoil.cpp |
file | tangent_indicatrix.cpp |
| Write the tangent indicatrix of a given (open or closed) curve to a PKF file. Tangents for the tangent indicatrix are interpolated, therefore strange points like cusps would not be visible! The default is for an open curve, for closed curves put the -closed switch.
file | test.cpp |
file | torsion.cpp |
| Outputs the torsion of a biarc curve.
file | vect2pkf.cpp |
file | xyz2pkf.cpp |
| Convert XYZ coordinates to PKF.