tools Directory Reference


directory  tmp


file  align.cpp
 Orient a pkf curve according to a given axes.
file  angle_condition.cpp
 Check the angle condition for an ideal knot. input file : s sigma tau ...
file  angle_principal_normal_contacts.cpp
 Prints angle between contact chords and principal normal to stdout.
file  angle_vs_arclength.cpp
 Prints the arclength and for that arclength the angle between the normal vector and the "2" contact struts.
file  animate.cpp
file  arcdist.cpp
 Program for testing purpose only.
file  arcs2polygonal.cpp
 Convert an arc curve to a polygonal curve.
file  biarccli.cpp
 Biarc command line interface.
file  billiard_anim.cpp
file  billiard_poly.cpp
 Construct billiard polygon.
file  centerandnormalise.cpp
 Center and normalize a closed PKF curve.
file  circle_for_f31.cpp
 Given eps, compute using 3 points the radius and center of circle.
file  clif_tref_contactset.cpp
 Compute the contact set and surface (iv file) for the clifford trefoil in S^3.
file  closest_neighbour.cpp
 Reconstruct the curve using the nearest point algo.
file  contacts2inventor.cpp
 Convert contact chords to obj/iv file.
file  contacts2sigma.cpp
 Contact chords to sigma(s) and tau(s).
file  contacts_s3tor3.cpp
 Project contact chords from S^3 to R^3.
file  contactset.cpp
 Compute the contact chords for a given knot.
file  convolutionfilter.cpp
 Smooth a curve using a local gaussian convolution filter.
file  cross_pp.cpp
file  curvature.cpp
 Outputs the curvature of a biarc curve.
file  curvature4.cpp
 Outputs the curvature of a biarc curve in R^4.
file  curvesplit.cpp
 Split a "closed" curve into segments for given arclength values.
file  extract_sigma.cpp
 Advancing within a small neighbournood try to extract sigma(s).
file  extract_sigma_max.cpp
 Find local max in pt valley.
file  extract_sigma_valley_max.cpp
file  filter_nodes.cpp
 Filter a PKF curve. I.e. remove points that are too close to some neighbour.
file  flatten.cpp
 Project curve onto 2D plane.
file  follow_contact.cpp
 Starting at some point on the curve, follow the contacts to depth max_level.
file  inertiatensor.cpp
 Compute the inertia tensor and principal axes.
file  info.cpp
 Computes Arc-length, center of mass, thickness (approx), ropelength (aprox) info of a PKF curve.
file  info4.cpp
 Computes Arc-length, center of mass, thickness (approx), ropelength (aprox) info of a PKF curve (S^3).
file  inversion_in_sphere.cpp
 Inversion in sphere at center c and radius r of a curve.
file  length.cpp
 Arc-length of a PKF curve.
file  link_thickness.cpp
 Compute thickness of a CurveBundle.
file  map.cpp
 Map one curve to another.
file  mesh4stokes.cpp
 Produce a tube mesh from a curve and write that to a file.
file  nana.cpp
 Test program.
file  normal_indicatrix.cpp
file  perturb.cpp
 Perturb a curve.
file  pkf2java.cpp
 Read data from a PKF file, produce a tubular mesh for each curve in the file and write it as C/C++/Java arrays.
file  pkf2mesh.cpp
 Read data from a PKF file, produce a tubular mesh for each curve in the file and write that to a file.
file  pkf2obj.cpp
 pkf to obj format. obj file has correct uv texture coords.
file  pkf2ply.cpp
 pkf to mesh to stanford ply format.
file  pkf2rib.cpp
file  pkf2stl.cpp
 Read data from a PKF file, produce a tubular mesh for each curve in the file and write that to an STL file.
file  pkf2vect.cpp
file  pkf2xyz.cpp
 Convert PKF file to XYZ coordinates.
file  pkfframe.cpp
 Generate a framing along the curve.
file  plotslice.cpp
 Write a pt plot cross section at a given arclength.
file  plotslice4.cpp
 Write a pt plot cross section at a given arclength (S^3).
file  pointat.cpp
 Writes point/tangent at Curve(s), for s arclength and s in [0,1] to the standart output.
file  process.cpp
file  projected_dij.cpp
 Compute $\sum_{i \neq j} d_{i,j}$ and $\sum_{i \neq j} d_{i,j}^{-1}$ of a given projection.
file  ptcircles.cpp
 Resample an open or closed PKF curve.
file  r3tos3.cpp
 Project a curve in R^3 to S^3.
file  redo_tangents.cpp
 Recompute tangents using only the data points.
file  refine.cpp
 Refine/Resample a part of an open or closed PKF curve.
file  reorder.cpp
 Reorder the nodes of a curve, so that the first points of the 2 curves are the closest possible.
file  resample.cpp
 Resample an open or closed PKF curve.
file  resample4.cpp
 Resample an open or closed PKF curve (R^4).
file  reverse_direction.cpp
 Change the orientation of the curve.
file  rotate_curve.cpp
 Rotate curve about axis v by angle a.
file  s3tor3.cpp
 Project a curve on S^3 back to R^3.
file  s_sigma_angles.cpp
 Program for testing purpose only.
file  setcenter.cpp
 Reset the mass center of PKF curve.
file  shuffle.cpp
 Randomize/shuffle a curve.
file  sigma2contact.cpp
 From a sigma(s) function, generate the contact struts.
file  sigma2inventor.cpp
 Convert 2D sigma(s) to iv or obj file.
file  sigma_and_tau_contacts.cpp
 Extract contact functions sigma(s) and tau(s).
file  sigma_composition.cpp
 compute $^k(s)$. input file : s sigma tau ...
file  supercoil.cpp
file  tangent_indicatrix.cpp
 Write the tangent indicatrix of a given (open or closed) curve to a PKF file. Tangents for the tangent indicatrix are interpolated, therefore strange points like cusps would not be visible! The default is for an open curve, for closed curves put the -closed switch.
file  test.cpp
file  torsion.cpp
 Outputs the torsion of a biarc curve.
file  vect2pkf.cpp
file  xyz2pkf.cpp
 Convert XYZ coordinates to PKF.

Generated on Mon Feb 8 17:22:36 2010 for libbiarc by  doxygen 1.5.6